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Pino Law Firm P.C.

Call Today To Schedule An Appointment (205) 663-1581


Juvenile Cases Lawyer, Pelham City
Alabama Juvenile Cases And Juvenile Crimes Lawyers

At Pino Law Firm P.C. in Shelby County, Alabama, we represent minors in criminal court who have committed what many times amounts to a youthful indiscretion or sometimes would be considered a serious felony if committed by an adult. We also represent juvenile clients in family court in cases regarding custody disputes where parents were not married and dependency petitions involving grandparents, siblings, and unwed couples.

Juvenile Criminal Defense

Children under the age of 18 often make mistakes. Sometimes, those mistakes result in criminal charges. At Pino Law Firm P.C., we represent children in juvenile cases involving crimes ranging from truancy to serious felonies. An adult charge carries more serious punitive actions, but juveniles are given a certain amount of consideration for their young age. We fight so that one little mistake will not ruin a child’s life.

Attorney Jim Pino has also represented clients between the ages of 18 and 21 who are technically too old to be considered a juvenile. Those clients can apply for a one-time youthful offender status where the punishment is much more lenient. In addition, the record can be sealed and not subject to public scrutiny.

Representation Of Juveniles In Family Law Matters

In family court, we represent juveniles in the middle of a custody dispute where the parents were not married. Various family members may be filing petitions for custody, including grandparents, siblings, and other relatives. Additional juvenile cases in that family law area have included abuse and neglect and the establishment of paternity involving custody and visitation.

For more information on juvenile cases or to schedule an appointment with an experienced juvenile crimes attorney, please contact us.

Pino Law Firm P.C.

Call Today To Schedule An
Appointment (205) 662-2061