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(205) 663-1581

Pino Law Firm P.C.

Call Today To Schedule An Appointment (205) 663-1581


Experienced Lawyers In Shelby County

At Jim Pino & Associates, P.C. in Shelby County, Alabama, we focus on the following areas of practice:

Divorce And Family Law

We provide our clients with experienced representation in all aspects of divorce and family law, including child custody and visitation, child support, alimony, paternity, relocation, adoption, prenuptial agreements, enforcement, and modifications.

Child Custody

Whether you need to establish a child custody/visitation schedule or seek to modify an order based on changing circumstances, we can help. The child’s best interests are paramount to the courts and to us. When the parties are in agreement, we can help craft a detailed, comprehensive joint custody agreement.

Child Support/Modification

While Alabama has uniform child support guidelines, there is room for deviation based on debts, joint custody, and moves out of state. At Jim Pino & Associates, P.C., we assist clients with obtaining a fair amount of child support and with seeking modifications as needed. Child support can also be modified when there is a substantial change in circumstances, such as a significant change in income, serious health issues or a special needs child.

Criminal Law

Your rights must be protected when you have been arrested. The criminal defense lawyers at Jim Pino & Associates experience and their knowledge of criminal law make them a powerful advocate for people charged with a crime.


When facing DUI charges and the administrative process of keeping your license, you need a strong advocate on your side. We will ensure that your rights are protected while striving for the best possible outcome.

Drug Charges

Jim Pino & Associates P.C. represent clients charged with drug crimes at the municipal, state and federal court. The consequences for drug possession and other drug crimes are serious and include possible jail time, probation, and loss of your driver’s license.

Juvenile Cases

Our firm handles criminal defense cases for juvenile clients. We also represent juveniles, parents, and other family members in family law and domestic matters. Juveniles deserve to have their rights protected and to be defended in criminal matters. Parents and grandparents also have rights arising out of custody disputes, paternity issues, and dependency cases.

Personal Injury

Jim Pino & Associates P.C. has secured just compensation for victims and surviving family members in cases involving car and truck accident matters, dog bites, and construction site injuries. They are experienced litigators who will fight to get you the compensation you deserve in a serious personal injury or wrongful death action.

Workers’ Comp

We can assist clients with obtaining compensation for work-related injuries under Alabama workers’ compensation law. If you have a serious on-the-job injury, we can help.

Social Security Disability

If your application for SSDI or SSI benefits has been denied, contact us. An initial denial is definitely not the final decision. We can help you appeal the decision through the administrative appeal process, all the way through federal court. We have been highly effective in taking on the government in these types of cases.

Home Warranty And Construction

Jim Pino & Associates, P.C. handles arbitration and litigation related to home warranty matters and construction defects. If you believe that a warranty has been breached, or your new home has serious construction defects, contact us for aggressive representation.

Estate Planning And Probate

Our firm can assist you with drafting a simple will, testamentary trust, advanced health care directive, or durable power of attorney. Jim Pino & Associates P.C. also represents clients in probate court, including will contests, administration of estates, conservatorships and adoptions.

Civil Litigation

We at Jim Pino & Associates, P.C. handle a wide variety of civil litigation matters for clients in Shelby, Chilton and Jefferson Counties. Some of the civil cases we handle involve eminent domain, breach of contract, real estate matters, and home warranty issues.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment with an experienced attorney, please contact us.

Pino Law Firm P.C.

Call Today To Schedule An
Appointment (205) 663 1581